Campbell's Campbell's CEM Engineering - Cogeneration


This project consists of one combustion Gas Turbine Generator rated @ 4.5 MWe complete with combustion air inlet cooling and a combustion control system, which will limit NOx emissions to 15 ppm. The system also includes one O-type supplementary fired water-tube Heat Recovery Steam Generator, rated @ 90,000 pph and one Fuel Gas Booster Compressor rated @ 100% of full load. Campbell’s purchased the Gas Turbine Generator, Heat Recovery Steam Generator, and Fuel Gas Booster Compressor directly from OEMs.

CEM is handling everything else, including the provision of EPCMC services, and construction management with the appropriate General Contractor. CEM is also responsible for commissioning the system, in addition to design and construction of the system. CEM will produce approximately 200 drawings for this project, by the time it is complete.